Dashboard.PNG 60.64 KB The dashboard is central to the ALUi platform and it is the first page you see after logging in. From the dashboard the student is able to have multiple interactions relating to their courses and real-time performance updates.
The following actions are available on the dashboard :
Action 1 : Daily reflection (Daily Pulse Check)
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The "Daily Pulse Check" is very important , as it gives the faculty insights into how you are feeling and how it is affecting your progress with regards to your studies . Students are encouraged to submit daily updates.
Action 2 : Submit Assignments
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Students are able to submit their assignments via the ALUi platform. In order to do this, you need to click the box icon and upload the required documents , as seen above.
Action 3 : View course content for the current week
output_I7yeUc.gif 221.84 KB Go to the current week : to do this you have to select a course from the drop down above the skills tracker and select the weekly view button that pops up.
Action 4 : View your course timeline
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View your course timeline : In order to access the timeline for a particular course, the user must firs select a course , and then click on "timeline" as illustrated in the images above . From here the user must go into the timeline instance of the day.
NOTE : the icon under "due this week" next to each of the items can be clicked to take you to that specific pre-configured instance of the timeline