How is EarPeace better than foam ear plugs?

Last updated almost 7 years ago

We make what’s called “high fidelity” hearing protection. That means that our products all include a precision engineered acoustic filter that allows in a precise amount of unobstructed sound - you get all frequencies, just at a lower volume. So EarPeace is great for any loud environment where you need to lower the decibel level and still hear clearly, like at concerts or while riding your motorcycle.

Foam ear plugs, on the other hand, are not high fidelity. They do not have an acoustic filter in them. This means that they block the maximum amount of sound, but the compromise is that you lose most of high frequencies. Foam ear plugs are great for industrial applications, shooting, working on the tarmac at an airport, etc. - all things that require the highest amount of protection possible because they are the loudest environments. But they are not particularly good for music or other activities where the dB level is lower and where you want to be able to hear in “high fidelity.” 

The other aspects that differentiate EarPeace from foam are noted on our site - they are much more comfortable, more discreet, and they come in a great carrying case. These are all major reasons why people in general don’t wear hearing protection, so we solved these issues in coming up with EarPeace.