Do EarPeace motorcycle ear plugs really work?

Last updated almost 7 years ago

EarPeace M motorsport ear plugs are specifically designed for motorcycle riders and motorsport enthusiasts. EarPeace M allows a precise amount of unobstructed sound into the ear in a specific way so you can still hear clearly. They will do a great job cutting down on wind noise and you will still have situational awareness when wearing them. EarPeace ear plugs are also low profile and will fit comfortably under your helmet if you wear one.
Check out the reviews too for what people are saying - just click on the reviews tab on the product page or take a look at one of our more recent reviews below.
"I rarely make product comment, only when I really like a product, or the flip side. In a nutshell, I've been an avid motorcycle rider for nearly fifty years. I currently ride a 2014 Harley Davidson Ultra Limited Rushmore model with and HD Infotainment Sound System. Noise, on long trips, has been and is, an ongoing problem. More noise means "turn the sound system up". I received my Ear Peace M motorcycle ear plugs yesterday, and this morning was my first opportunity to give them a test drive. In short, I'm 100% sold and it may be my favorite riding secret weapon. NONE, I repeat, ZERO wind noise and even the exhaust pipe sound just sort of hums. The amazing part is the sound clarity from my sound system! I am pleased to report that all of the background ear-battering sounds are all but eliminated and the sounds and music you want to hear come through admirably! Again, I'm a new customer that will not go on any ride of any distance without a pair of these. Wow, I wish I had these 30 years ago!"
-- R. Kowsky from Washington