When I move into my new home how do I receive garbage and recycling bins?
When I move into my new home how do I know what day garbage and recycling is picked up on?
Where am I allowed to park at my new home?
If my home backs a community fence am I able to change it?
If I would like to build a fence how do I know where I can build it?
Am I eligible for a free tree to be planted in my front yard by Dream?
When looking at developing my yard is there anywhere I can go for advice on the types of plants to use and how to care for my yard?
If I alter the grading on my property will it cause any problems?
City of Regina
Canada Post
If I live on a street with a separate boulevard (the space between the street and separate sidewalk) who is responsible to maintain the lawn?
Who do I contact if building materials are left on the street or sidewalk in my neighbourhood?
Who do I contact if I have questions about snow removal in my neighbourhood?
Who is my City Councillor?
Do we have a Community Association?
Does Dream have community social media accounts I can follow for updates?