logo name only blue.jpg 22.84 KBIn today's world, virtually every business type is reviewed online, including all types of medical professions from Chiropractors, Dentists, Surgeons, etc.
Patients are allowed to provide online feedback and reviews about medical products and services under the First Amendment (Freedom of Speech), and they can share details about their experiences. On the other hand, Medical Providers can not share Patient details as HIPAA laws are designed to protect Patients in this area. HIPAA laws restrict what Medical Providers can share publicly about their Patients, not what the Patient shares publicly about the Medical Provider either in person or online.
An example of our Customer Feedback page is below. We don't display a Customers contact data, just First Name and Last Name Initial.
Customer Feedback.png 412.49 KBTo learn more about HIPAA and Online Patient Feedback and Reviews, see the following links provided here.