Trusted Referrals Studies

Last updated over 4 years ago

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Match, Refer and Grow your Business!

Who Trust Referrals?

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A Nielsen survey on trust and advertising revealed that "Referral Marketing" scored the highest across every single demographic, out-doing editorial content, all forms of ads, and brand sponsorship.

83% of consumers trust referrals from people they know and people are 4 times more likely to buy when referred by a friend. - Neilson

65% of new business comes from referrals - New York Times

People are 4 times more likely to buy when referred by a friend - Neilson

92% of respondents trusted referrals from people they knew - Neilson

84% of B2B decision makers start the buying process with a referral. - Heinz Marketing

89% of millennial women trust recommendations from a friend, peer, or family member more than recommendations from a brand (11%). - Changing the Face of Modern Consumerism

Advocates’ recommendations are the most trusted source across all age groups: Millennials, Gen X, baby boomers, and mature adults. - Deloitte

B2B buyers are increasingly turning to social networks to not only share information with each other but to give each other advice. - Blanc & Otus and G2 Crowd Study

Businesses agree that Referrals creates 85% of their new business.

Customers referred to your business spend 200% more than the average customer, and make 2x more referrals about your business!