Why does Resource cost what it does?

Last updated over 6 years ago

Good question! When you use Resource, you’re getting instant access to top sourcers around the world that we manage for you. We pay top sourcers so you don’t have to. 

Resource gives you flexible, scalable sourcing at your fingertips -- you simply dial it up or down as needed. We replace the need to hire in-house sourcers or rely on contingent recruiting firms. When you need a pipeline of great candidates, you simply add a role and click “Start” and our team finds you the top candidates for your roles and sends them timely, targeted messaging from your own email address. You get a constant flow of interested, qualified candidates EMAILING YOU. We stay invisible to candidates. Like magic. 

Previously, to have this kind of sourcing firepower available, you had to be a large, fully-resourced company like Google. 

Resource scales with you so you don't need to hire sourcers or outsource the work to expensive contingent recruiting agencies. Now you can focus on interviewing and closing, not filling your pipeline. 

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