What makes Resource different?

Last updated almost 8 years ago

We’re like a snowflake! Resource is hyper-focused on the top of your recruiting funnel. We believe the best recruiter for your company is you, and you can’t afford to put your brand and candidate experience in someone else's control. We give you the tools to supercharge your own recruiting efforts without spending the time. 

Here's what makes us unique:

Identity. We use your identity and messaging to source at scale, keeping all outreach personalized and on-brand, while we stay invisible to candidates. No sourcer-to-recruiter handoffs, and no contingency firms (mis)representing your brand.

Data. Since we have data that spans multiple customers, we can apply what we learn across our portfolio of customers to each new campaign. Our software runs unique tests on your outreach, testing variables like subject lines and email body, best time of day and day of the week to send, and the optimal number of days in between follow ups.

Scalability. Resource gives you instant access to the sourcing firepower you need, when you need it. Scale up and down instantly as your hiring needs change. 

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