What are some best practices to keep in mind when creating and scheduling sequences?

Last updated over 7 years ago

LeadFuze has a lot of flexibility when it comes to your strategy for building lead lists and sending your email sequences. That said, there are a few strategies you can do to decrease the amount of time you spend scheduling your campaigns and managing software.

Unlike other outbound emails tools where you have to curate your lists and schedule sequences regularly - with LeadFuze you combine realtime list-building with sequences that can be scheduled in advance. This means that once you create a schedule, your main workflows should be (1) answering responses and (2) making sure your lists stay full of new prospects. 

Here are a few tips & best practices 

  • Be conservative about how you create new leads lists and sequences. 
  • Schedule sequences in advance using the "Custom Schedule" option.
  • Add your current customers or competitors to the Blacklist
  • Avoid deliverability issues by ramping up your outbound slowly. 
  • Send more personalized emails by using the merge tokens.
  • Learn how to write effective sales emails and iterate over time. 

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