What happens if I have to miss days or weeks of training in DBT Comprehensive?

Last updated about 6 years ago

All participants are expected to meet the course completion requirements in order to receive a letter of completion and continuing education credit. Depending on which portion(s) of the program you miss, you may have several options available to you to still meet the completion requirements and earn a letter of completion; however, continuing education boards have specific standards for attendance, so missing portions of training may jeopardize your ability to receive continuing education credit. If you know in advance that you will miss a meeting or consultation, please advise your team and your DBT expert trainer.
Remember, you DO NOT have to complete the weekly online coursework at a single sitting. You can take your time within each week, but please don't fall too far behind because we cannot provide extensions. You will have the most success in the program if you stay current with the weekly online lessons, readings, and exercises and participate in the discussion forum.
In addition, participants must attend their weekly DBT consultation team meetings, regardless of which learning pathway they are enrolled.