Primary Objective:
To provide the content and guidance required for teams to implement DBT programs and to conduct DBT.
Learning Objectives:
1. Use DBT research data to engage stakeholders in DBT.
2. Adopt and practice a dialectical worldview in treatment.
3. Incorporate DBT assumptions about clients into treatment.
4. Explain the biosocial model of BPD/pervasive emotion dysregulation.
5. Apply DBT principles and strategies during DBT consultation team meetings
6. Structure treatment according to the target hierarchies for each modality (e.g., individual, skills training, phone).
7. Complete DBT pre-treatment tasks (e.g., identify client’s goals, orient to DBT, obtain commitments).
8. Assess long-term and acute risk for suicide.
9. Apply DBT suicide crisis protocols.
10. Implement the levels of validation in DBT.
11. Conduct a chain analysis of an episode of a target behavior.
12. Generate and evaluate solutions for specific problematic links from a chain analysis.
13. Describe the goals of the DBT skills modules.
14. Describe the DBT problem-solving strategies (skills training, cognitive modification, exposure, contingency management).
15. Implement DBT stylistic strategies (reciprocal and irreverent communication).
16. Implement DBT case management strategies (consultation-to-the-client and environmental intervention).
17. Prepare a DBT case formulation.
18. Organize DBT sessions based on a target hierarchy for each modality (e.g., individual, skills training).
19. Define problem behaviors specifically and behaviorally.
20. Identify the critical variables influencing a problem behavior.
21. Identify solutions to address the critical variables influencing problem behaviors.
22. Identify DBT skills for clients to use for specific problems in specific contexts.
23. Implement the DBT problem-solving strategies (skills training, cognitive modification, exposure, contingency management).
24. Evaluate the use of DBT strategies in my own and others’ cases.
25. Evaluate whether a DBT program addresses the 5 functions of comprehensive treatment.
26. Generate solutions to address barriers to implementing DBT in my program.
Identify team problems and use DBT strategies to resolve them.