Foundational pathway only-
What is a Foundational Mentor? A DBT Foundational mentor is an experienced DBT team member who completed Intensive/Comprehensive training at least 2 years ago and agrees to meet regularly with a Foundational participant to provide support and corrective feedback.
Does everyone who takes the 16 week online Foundational course need to have a mentor? No. The requirement to have a mentor is specific to those participants who are enrolled in the Foundational pathway. Participants enrolled in the Intensive or Intensive Plus pathways do not need to have a mentor.
Why are Foundational participants required to have a mentor? The Foundational learning pathway is intended for persons who are joining or are current members of established and functioning DBT teams with comprehensively-trained, senior members. Upon completion of the 16 weeks of online learning, each Foundational participant must continue developing and applying his or her DBT knowledge and skills under the guidance of their mentor. In the Intensive and Intensive Plus pathways, this guidance and mentorship is provided via the DBT consultation sessions with the DBT expert.
What are the qualifications to serve as a mentor? To be a mentor, the senior DBT team member will:
- Have completed Intensive training (or a comprehensive equivalent)
- Intensive Training includes completing the Dialectical Behavior Therapy Intensive Training from BTECH or its affiliates. Affiliates include: British Isles DBT (BIDBT), DBT New Zealand (DBTNZ), University of Oslo, National Centre for Suicide Research & Prevention, DBT Latinoamerica (DBT Latam), DBT Brasil, Italian Society for DBT (SIDBT), Hellenic Association for Behavioral Research and Dialexis
- Comprehensive Training from these organizations will be accepted if it covers the content of standard comprehensive DBT and includes at least 60 hours of didactic instruction: University of Washington, Behavioral Research & Therapy Clinics, Portland DBT Institute, Treatment Implementation Collaborative and German Association for DBT (DDBT)
- Ensure that the Participant is oriented to their role on the DBT Consultation Team and is a functioning member of their team
- Meet with the Participant on a regular basis (outside of regular Consultation Team meetings) to provide support and corrective feedback as the Participant completes the required readings and homework
- Agree to serve as Mentor for a minimum of one year
What is the time commitment for a mentor? The time commitment per week will vary, based on the participant’s learning and development needs, and the needs of the patients whom she or he treats. A mentor must agree to meet with the participant for a minimum of one year.