How is the Comprehensive DBT online program different from in-person comprehensive trainings with Behavioral Tech?

Last updated about 5 years ago

The learning objectives of each pathway of the DBT Comprehensive program are the same as the learning objectives of the corresponding in-person, comprehensive DBT trainings offered by Behavioral Tech. Only the  DBT Comprehensive online program offers a learning pathway for individuals who don’t already have a DBT consultation team.  
When determining which format is right for you, you should consider your learning style, the time you can commit to learning, and the training resources available for you. Some practitioners prefer to learn in a live, in-person environment, while others prefer the flexibility of an online program. Some practitioners may not be able to travel and find that online training is the only option available to them. Or, some practitioners want the flexibility of a longer program of study, while others want to complete their training as fast as possible. Our online training can be completed alongside full-time work commitments. 
Both the in-person and online courses are appropriate for those wanting to learn the full DBT treatment model, how to develop a DBT program, or want to earn didactic hours toward DBT certification.