How do I install mojirater on my Site?

Last updated over 8 years ago

Installation is quick and easy. First you have to Create an Account

You will receive an email to Activate your account. Once activated, you will be on a page with two installation options.

If you have a Wordpress Site, we recommend you Download our Wordpress Plugin. Doing so will ensure that your Wordpress correctly displays emojis. Downloading this plugin works best in Chrome or Firefox. Safari sometimes unbundles the .zip file requiring you to rezip it before uploading. Once you have the .zip file, simply Upload it on your Wordpress Plugins page and activate.

If you don't have a Wordpress site or don't want to use the Wordpress plugin, you can simply copy and paste the embed code provided on your Account Settings page. Add the embed code to any page you want Mojirater visible or add it to your template to have it appear on all Post pages. 

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