A lot can be done with the images in the image bank. Hovering over the images in the image bank will pop open a menu of 7 icons as shown. 2017-05-11_16-04-09.png 17.43 KBThe functions of these icons starting from top to bottom: 1. Clicking on this icon opens the image in the presentation mode. 2017-05-11_16-18-11.png 841.71 KBThis function is not just limited to viewing of one particular image, one can use the arrows on left and right of page to navigate through all the images present in that folder.
2. Allows you to print the image.
3. Downloads the image onto your desktop/ computer
4. Allows you to email the image.
5. Lets you add notes for the particular image.
6. Opens up the image in its actual size in a new tab
7. use for reordering of the image within the image bank. 2017-05-11_17-12-36.png 402.87 KB