How do I login to ReFUEL4?

Last updated over 7 years ago

To login to ReFUEL4, you'll first need to know if you're an Enterprise Advertiser,  a SME Advertiser, or a Designer

Enterprise Advertisers

Enterprise clients can login to ReFUEL4 at
and beta clients can login to our new self serve product at

Just click "Login with Facebook" and provide access to manage your advertising.
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If you're having trouble logging in with Facebook, please reset your Facebook ads access.

SME Advertisers

SME Users can login to ReFUEL4 at
Just click "Register with Facebook" and provide access to manage your advertising.
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If you're having trouble logging in with Facebook, please reset your facebook ads access.


Please login here:

If you're having trouble logging in with Facebook, please reset your Facebook ads access.