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I'm having trouble logging in to ReFUEL4... What should I do?
Last updated over 7 years ago
If you're having trouble logging into ReFUEL4, chances are you're using an ad-blocker like AdBlock Pro - please make sure to disable your ad-blockers for ReFUEL4.(Note: ReFUEL4 doesn't deliver ads to you, but we communicate with Facebook's advertising platform, so that communication may be blocked)
If that's not the case, it's possible that there's a problem with the connection between Facebook and ReFUEL4.
To fix this first remove your Facebook connection, and then reconnect in 3 easy steps:
But if there is, you may be experiencing some problem that we're not already aware of. Please email support with a description of your problem, and include a a screenshot of your JavaScript console: ( Windows: Ctrl + Shift + J, Mac: ⌘ + Option + J)