What is ReFUEL4 Automation?

Last updated over 7 years ago

ReFUEL4 Automation is the process by which ReFUEL4 continuously monitors Facebook ads and keeps them fresh.  Automation is a relatively simple process that works at the Ad Set level, continuously replacing the creative in poor performing ads. 

Here's how it works:
  1.  You signup for ReFUEL4 and create a brief during the sign up process.
  2.  During the briefing process, you select an Ad Set to work with, this is called a "Target Ad Set"
  3.  Designers return new creative for your use.
  4.  Our machine learning Shaka Engine analyzes the images and filters out the poorer quality ones.   
  5.  The remaining images are added to a "Creative Queue". 
  6.  The Shaka Engine pulls data from the Facebook's Marketing Insights API every 30 minutes and decides if your current ads are getting stale. 
  7.  If the ad is still performing, nothing happens.
  8.  If any of the current ads are getting stale, the best performing ad (the "Target Ad") from the ad set  is cloned
Please see this handy-dandy diagram for more:
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