Critical Issues are missing fields that we know are required by the channel. Critical Issues are Channel Specific and can be resolved by adding the missing field and an inferred value in the Smart Type or by adding in the missing value directly in the SKU.
Typically Category specific critical issues should be resolved in the smart type. To resolve these you should make sure all your SKUs have a valid Smart Type. Then contact a Zentail specialist to have the smart type optimized.
How to Generate an Export of all Critical Issues
Go to the Import Page
Click on the channel for which you would like to view the critical issues: For example, "[Your Company] (Amazon)"
Click on "Product Critical Issues"
Leave "Active Products Only" checked if you only want to look at Active SKUs
To look at all SKUs, Active and Inactive (Archived), Uncheck this Checkbox
Click "Start Generating Report"
The report will appear under "Previous Exports"
Note: You can generate an export for all the channels you have SKUs listed toimage.png 59.36 KB
Resolving Critical Errors
The Issues Column will show you the critical error. Additional critical errors will appear to the right of this column.image.png 55.09 KB
The Listed column will say "True" or "False" in regards to whether the SKU is listed on the channel in question
To correct the error, analyze the issue and correct the issue using: