Here is a quick video overview walking you through our Account Settings features:Your Zentail Account settings let you manage and control a variety of features:
Company Settings
User Settings
Company User Permissions
Scroll down to see detailed descriptions of each of these features.
In this section of your accounts page you will see the warehouses you have integrated with Zentail. For example, you might see the FBA warehouse and your merchant fulfilled warehouse. pasted-file-2.png 168.58 KB Available Functions under Basic Info:
Change/Enter Warehouse Address/location
Enter Warehouse contact information
Enter Jet Node ID (for integrating with Jet)
Available functions under settings:
Enter Label dimensions
Enter shipment lead times (specific to each warehouse)
Enter SkuVault Warehouse Code
Available functions under Channel Overrides: This feature will be used to designate which warehouses can be used to fulfill orders for each channel. For example, you may want to disable FBA fulfillment for Walmart orders. To do this simply click on the corresponding toggle button for the appropriate channel and set it to enable if you would like this warehouse to fulfill orders for the channel in question or disable if you don't want to use this warehouse to fulfill orders to that channel.
Company Settingspasted-file-5.png 165.42 KBThis section allows you to manage account wide settings for you shipments
Available features under Account Settings:
Set an inventory threshold: If your inventory reaches this number it will automatically show "out of stock" on that channel. This is useful in preventing backorders
Set a default fulfillment warehouse. If for any reason an order cannot be routed to the designated warehouse this "back up" warehouse will be used to prevent delayed shipments and to preserve your seller ratings.
Available features under Predetermined Packages:
This allows you set a predetermined package size and label
Available features under Company Logo:
Upload your company logo or image, you will see it on various pages in your Zentail account.
User Settingspasted-file-6.png 88.47 KBManage your email preferences and user photo!
Available features under User Photo:
Upload an image of yourself!
Available features under Email Settings:
Check the corresponding box if you would like to receive:
emails when an order comes in
emails when an order goes in the "needs attention status"
Company User Permissionspasted-file-4.png 126.59 KBHere you can create new users and give them certain permissions
Available features under Manage Users:
Determine which level of access each user has
Account Admin: Can create new users, see high level sales data
General: Minimum access, cannot see sales data or add users
Sales Data Access: Can see sales data but cannot add users