HomeOrdersHow do I generate an RMA and return shipping label?
How do I generate an RMA and return shipping label?
Last updated over 7 years ago
**Jet Return Requests are automatically accepted and generated to ensure a high level of service. Standard Jet Partner Portal configuration for Zentail clients is for Jet to send the customer a return shipping label**
An RMA is a Return Merchandise Authorization - You would generate an RMA if you require the customer to send back an item in order to receive a refund.
To generate an RMA and return shipping label*:
Find the order in Zentail associated with the return => Click "GENERATE RMA"
In the slider that appears, confirm the quantity of items you want to return => Click the "create return" button
On the left sidebar for this order, in the "Return Requests" section => Click the "PURCHASE LABEL" button.
Confirm the shipping dimensions and click "GET QUOTES"
Select the carrier and service level => Click "PURCHASE AND PRINT LABELS"
On the left sidebar for this order, in the "Packages" section, there is now a new "package" for this RMA (the RMA # is included for your reference) => Click the download icon to view the shipping label as a PDF.pasted-file-1.png 72.43 KB
Purchase Label Button will only be enabled if you have EasyPost Fulfillment integrated