HomeOrdersHow do I edit FBA and FBM address errors?
How do I edit FBA and FBM address errors?
Last updated about 7 years ago
If the customer provides an address that is not accepted by FBA or ShipStation the order will receive an error and appear in your Needs Attention section. You will need to edit the address:
Click the order => Scroll down and view the error.fba-address-correction-zentail.png 35.9 KB
Based on the error message, scroll up and click on the customer's name.edit-customer-address-zentail.png 16.6 KB
On the menu that appears scroll down to "Edit"
image.png 27.26 KB
Make sure the address is valid and in line 1 of the address field
Once you save the updated address, Zentail will re-send the order to FBA and it will move to "Processing" status in Zentail.
Example Errors
Error fulfilling with FBA: Value { unique to your customer's ship to address } for parameter DestinationAddress.Name is invalid. Reason: ValueTooLarge, length must be less than or equal to 50.
In order to resolve this error, simply click on the customer's Ship to address in Zentail and re-configure the address to make sure no line has more than 50 characters.
Error fulfilling with FBA: Value UnencodedableCharacter for parameter AddressFullName is invalid. Reason: 1 error: The field Full Name has a value of '{unique to the customer's provided address}', must not contain the non-Latin-1 character(s) 'ı' .