If inventory is not being sent here's what to check:
- Is Inventory available in the SKU (Catalog Page)?
- Is inventory sync enabled for the channel you are looking at (Integrations page)?
- Was the SKU ever set to List in Zentail for that channel? If no, please establish this initial connection.
- If this is regarding FBA inventory; is FBA multi-channel fulfillment enabled (Amazon Integration Card)?
- Are the warehouses in question enabled (Account settings page => Channel Overrides) for the channel?
- Is there a max listed quantity either on the integrations page or as a SKU override (Amazon/eBay)?
- Is there an inventory threshold in place for the channel in question? (Account Settings => Also, verify if "ignore inventory threshold is checked" on the integrations page).
- Are there errors on the SKU?
- Are Inventory FEEDS being sent?(You can view this on each SKU for feed based integrations)
Note for inventory feeds:
If all orders were placed on the same channel after an inventory feed is sent to it, we do not send a revised inventory feed as the channel knows how much is left based on the previous inventory feed and the orders since then.
Example: We send a quantity of 14 to Walmart. 6 orders come in, all from Walmart. We will not send another feed of 8 to Walmart as they should already know that there is 6 fewer in stock. We will send the updated inventory to other channels.