HomeeBayUsing Max Listed Quantity for eBay to stay below selling limits and/or create the appearance of scarcity.
Using Max Listed Quantity for eBay to stay below selling limits and/or create the appearance of scarcity.
Last updated about 7 years ago
Zentail has a feature called "Max Listed Quantity" where you can set an arbitrary # of quantity that we send to eBay that's lower than the actual quantity you have on hand. This is helpful in the following scenarios:
Your eBay selling limits would prevent you from listing more of your catalog since listing value is determined by sales price x quantity.
You want to create the appearance of scarcity.
You don't want competitors to know how much inventory you have.
Once your Max Listed Quantity is set, the quantity on eBay will always show the lesser between that limit and your actual inventory.
Setting Max Listed Quantity is easy, here's how:
In your Zentail Catalog => Click on the specific SKU you want to adjust.
Scroll down the left sidebar to the "Channels" section => Click ADVANCED OPTIONS for the eBay account you want to adjust.
In the Max Listed Quantity Field => Enter the number of units you want to send to eBay.
Click "UPDATE & PUSH"Image 2016-07-08 at 9.58.21 AM.png 59.49 KB
* If you want to set a specific Max Listed Quantity for your entire catalog, email support@zentail.com or message us through our chat feature. This will soon be a feature in Zentail.