Why is my eBay Inventory not updating?

Last updated about 7 years ago

If your eBay inventory is not updating to reflect what is in Zentail Please follow the steps below. 

Step 1: Inventory Sync

  1. Go to your Integrations Page
  2. Go to the eBay card
  3. Verify that Inventory Sync is ENABLED

Step 2: Warehouse overrides

  1. Go to the Account Settings Page 
  2. View the Channel Overrides Section for all Warehouse(s) you have inventory in
  3. Make sure the appropriate warehouse is enabled

Step 3: Inventory Threshold

  1. On the Account Settings Page, Go to the Company User Settings Tab
  2. View the Inventory Threshold (if any)
  3. Go to the integrations page
  4. Check to See if "Ignore Inventory Threshold" is checked.

Step 4: eBay Title Override

  • If you have a title longer than 80 characters, eBay will prevent us from sending any updates including inventory
  1. Go to your Catalog Page
  2. Search the SKU
  3. Click on the eBay SKU
  4. Click on Advanced Options on the eBay Card
  5. Enter a shortened title in the eBay Title Override field
  6. Update and Push
If none of these options work, please e-mail support@zentail.com or message us via the in app chat feature.

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