HomeJetHow do I connect my Warehouses in Zentail with Jet?
How do I connect my Warehouses in Zentail with Jet?
Last updated about 7 years ago
Step 4
Jet Fulfillment Nodes are unique identifiers for a specific fulfillment center. To make sure warehouses in Zentail are linked to the proper Jet Fulfillment Node:
Enter the Jet Fulfillment Node ID for the corresponding warehouse into the "Jet Node ID" field in Zentail and save your changes. Screen Shot 2016-09-09 at 11.59.22 AM.png 78.6 KB
Please Note
All of your warehouses in Zentail (Account Settings Page) must have an accompanying Jet Fulfillment Node in your Jet Partner Portal. As a result, if you haven't done so already you will create a New Fulfillment Node for each warehouse. Clicking on the purple new fulfillment node button in your Jet partner portal and follow the onscreen prompts.
If you accept returns for FBA products you will have to create a New Returns Location. Click on the button that can be seen in the above screen shot and follow the onscreen prompts.