Does Zentail push costs to SkuVault or vice versa?

Last updated over 6 years ago

By default, we send cost into SkuVault and do not import cost automatically from SkuVault. This means, any value for cost for each SKU in Zentail will overwrite the cost entered for those SKUs on SkuVault whenever Zentail sends an updated message to SkuVault.

If you want to mange your cost directly on SkuVault, you can disable Zentail from sending cost through your integrations page on Zentail.

On your SkuVault integration card, you'll see  toggle that allows you to disable or enable Zentail's system from sending cost to SkuVault:

If you are managing your cost directly on SkuVault, we suggest you regularly import the cost of each SKU into Zentail using the import / export feature on Zentail. This allows you better analysis of your catalog's profitability!

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