Why are some SKUs not listing to Pricefalls?

Last updated about 5 years ago

Most commonly, your SKU is missing a Pricefalls Category ID or another required attribute in Zentail. Here are Pricefalls required attributes, please make sure your SKU(s) in question have all required attributes.

** Please note Pricefalls accepts your full catalog once daily so SKUs listed after 11am PST will not show up until ~11am PST the following day. **

Here's how to view the data that is being sent to Pricefalls:

  1. Download FileZilla client.
  2. Enter your login credentials:
  3. Click "Quickconnect"
  4. Right-click productfeed.csv => Click "View/Edit" to review the catalog data being sent to Pricefalls.
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If you are unable to troubleshoot using these tips, please email ms@pricefalls.com for support.

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