My club model is not in the app's list of clubs?
My sensor is not recording pitch/chip/short game shots…
My sensor is not recording a shot, why might that be?
I just bought Blast what do I work on first with a putter?
My sensor is not capturing left-handed data…
My putter face rotation is always open/always closed yet I still make the putt, why might that be…?
Can I use the sensor on the golf course?
How to get your attachment and sensor on your clubs?
How do you get your first Metric?
How do you update user profile information?
How do you view metric information?
How do you view different metrics graphs?
How do you view metrics from the graphs?
How do you filter metrics graphs?
How do you connect sensor using Dashboard shortcut?
How do you change club using Progress shortcut?
What are the bottom bar icons?
How do you do a Standard Drill?
How do you complete an Interactive Drill?
How do you get a progress report?
What are the Metrics for putting?
What are the Metrics for full swing?
What is the Smart Video Capture?
How do you share a video with Blast Connect?
How do you turn Adaptive Slow-Mo on?
How do you change metric or hide metrics on video?
How do you change the screen view on Dashboard?
How do you turn on Smart Feedback?
How do you turn on Swing Chime?
How do you delete a Strokes in Dashboard?
How do you delete multiple strokes in Dashboard?
What are the video icon in the Video Library?
How do you view filters video options?
How do you delete a video or multiple videos?
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