- From the Dashboard screen tap on Training Center
- Tap on Putting or Full Swing.
- Tap on training Drills.
- Select on a drill that has an Interactive drill icon.
- The video will play and a quick summary of the drill will show below the video.
- When ready to start the Drill tap “Start Drill Now” button.
- The app will ask you to choose your skill level.
- Level 1: Novice
- Level 2: Intermediate
- Level 3: Pro
8. The drill page will pull and the drill will start.
9. When you have completed your swings, tap on the “Finish Drill” button to get the report.
Clubs: Shows how many swings have been taken out of the suggested twenty stroke.
Stopwatch: A timer of how long the drill has lasted.
Metric: The readout of the last swing.
Metric Circle Graph: The bar view of where the last swing ranges in blue.
Metric Circle Graph Goal: The green portion of the bar representing the goal range.
Metric Goal: The skill level goal will show at the bottom of the metric circle.
Sound: Every contact swing will give audio feedback sound for when you miss or make the select goal. Also, a feedback sound for when you hit twenty stroke.