All the palettes are created using color standards based on the selected color system.
You can find and select colors from the left side navigation of your white space web page under option COLORSimage.png 20.76 KB
There are many ways in which you can select colors, firstly, strat by choosing your color system. image.png 27.86 KBthen, use one of the 5 features we provide:
1. FIND STANDARDS This feature will allow you to find specific colors by plugging in its nameimage.png 30.14 KB
2. CONVERT RGB/CMYK Point to the color in the visual interface or type in the values (in RGB, HEXA, CMYK, or HSV) and the system will present the closest standard matches for you to chose from. image.png 61.81 KBYou may also plug in the RGB, CMYK, HSV, or HEXA values in the table below and the matches will be presented above the color square.
3. EXTRACT FROM IMAGE Upload an image and click anywhere on it to get the closest standard matchespasted-file-2.png 229.49 KB
4. MY COLOR BANK My Color Bank is where you can store favorite colors for the season before you add them to palettes. Select the colors you want to add and click ADD TO PALETTE. pasted-file-3.png 27.03 KB Click here to learn how to add colors to bank
5. FS COLOR FORECASTS This feature integrates colors from our editors' forecasting reports to your palettes Type in the name of the palette you want to refer to pasted-file-4.png 32.76 KB or use the filter to call color by market, season, section and type. pasted-file-5.png 32.35 KB
You can mix and match all of these techniques for more integrated approach to color creation.